Depressed about the state of the world, the erosion of our democracy, climate change and the ever present threat of The Smiths reforming? Never mind things could be worse and if you need cheering up then why not immerse yourselves in the two minutes and five seconds of unbridled joy that is the new Wonk Unit single and video:
Musically ‘Cyclists’ is quite a departure from what we’ve come to expect from this lot. The tune is largely driven by a the keyboard and a funky bass line rather than their trademark frantic guitars. As always the inspiration comes from Alex’s personal experiences, but unlike the tales of addiction and autobiographical sexual disasters that we’re used to, this one is a light hearted swipe at the annoyance caused at being unable to overtake a pair of peddle pushers while running late for a festival. It is unclear how this one will pan out live. It would certainly work in its present form but could well morph into something a bit more hectic as we saw with ‘Christmas in a Crackhouse’ single. Alex explains the origins of the tune:
“Last Summer on route to a festival on some country lane we were unfortunate enough to get stuck behind two cyclists, yes two abreast,” explains frontman Alex Johnson. “Did they care about the motorcade snaking behind them? Cause not! Go read the highway code – two abreast is cool but ONLY IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS. DO NOT OBSTRUCT THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC. It’s the rules. So, I was tapping my hands on the dashboard when the funk took hold. “Cyclists riding 2 abreast blocking traffic, blocking traffic”. Then I did some rapping (but thankfully that never made it onto the single.) After about three months the cyclists decided to fix a puncture and we made it to the festival. By then the song was already a Wonk winner in the van! We jammed it in soundcheck and was a hit in our set later that night. The end.”
In other news A & E departments up and down the UK are bracing themselves for an influx of fainting incidents as around fifty percent of the population are thought to be in immediate danger of swooning at the sight of Pwosion in lycra.
The rest of this year is looking pretty busy for the band with these live dates presently confirmed:
14th – Undercover Festival – Woking
19th – Dem Bosch – NL
20th – Tongeren – Belgium
21st – Rumspringa 2.0 fest – Erpe – Belgium
11th – Telford
12th – Harlow
9TH – The Garage – London – Alex acoustic
29th – Nottingham
30th – Croydon – Front Room
1st – Hastings – Crowleys
6th – Redrum – Stafford
11th – The Parish – Huddersfield
13TH – SCOTLAND – Glasgow
14TH – SCOTLAND – Dundee
15th – Morecambe
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